Star Spangled Novelties is a premier fireworks wholesaler serving Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota and Michigan.
Star Spangled Novelties Buy Products Online
To Order Via Email:
  1. Print, Complete Order Form, and then Scan
  2. Print Release Form - Print , Sign Name, and then Scan
  3. Print, Complete Credit Card and Ship Information, and then Scan
  4. Email the following documents to
    • Completed Order Form
    • Completed Release Form
    • Completed Credit Card and Ship Information

If you are having the product shipped to you, we will get a frieght quote first then call you before billing your credit card for product or freight

Welcome to our Fireworks Video display player. To view a fireworks video, select one from the lists to the right. Your selection will automatically play in the Windows Media Player. Microsoft Windows Media Player 9 or above is required. If you need to update your player click here. If you have any further difficulties, please consult a computer technician for assistance.

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©2024 Star Spangled Novelties
10303 Calumet Street, Suite 4
Rothschild, WI 54474
PHONE - 715.241.7160
FAX - 715.241.7260

Disclaimer: All information deemed reliable but not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Star Spangled Novelties and By Request Web Designs shall not be responsible for any typographical errors, misinformation, misprints.