Star Spangled Novelties is a premier fireworks wholesaler serving Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota and Michigan.
Star Spangled Novelties Buy Products Online
To Order Via Fax:
  1. Print Order Form
  2. Fill in quantities of product that you would like to purchase
  3. Print Release Form
  4. Print Credit Card and Shipping Information Form
  5. Fax the following documents to 715-241-7260

If you are having the product shipped to you, we will get a frieght quote first then call you before billing your credit card for product or freight

Welcome to our Fireworks Video display player. To view a fireworks video, select one from the lists to the right. Your selection will automatically play in the Windows Media Player. Microsoft Windows Media Player 9 or above is required. If you need to update your player click here. If you have any further difficulties, please consult a computer technician for assistance.

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©2024 Star Spangled Novelties
10303 Calumet Street, Suite 4
Rothschild, WI 54474
PHONE - 715.241.7160
FAX - 715.241.7260

Disclaimer: All information deemed reliable but not guaranteed and should be independently verified. Star Spangled Novelties and By Request Web Designs shall not be responsible for any typographical errors, misinformation, misprints.